Friday, May 6, 2011

#11 Time to shock the body

Debbie and I are about to start a body shocking process, which contemporarily is referred to as the Dukan diet. But it is just a protein shock.  The purpose is to shut off your muscles access to carbs for energy and force them to burn fat by consuming nothing but protein to restore muscle.

This last 5-7 days, until phase 2 introduces vegetables.  And that phase lasts another week to introduce cheese, fruits, and starch back into the diet.

Finally you go back to your regular diet if you are where we are already or for others you go to a GOOD diet.

We will start Saturday or Monday; not sure yet.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a nice shock right when we need it! It'll be harder for me to eat just meats and protiens, you'll have an easier time of it. But together, like everything, we can do it!!

    ps Let's start on Monday so we can celebrate Mother's Day with the habachi lunch we have planned ;-)
