Wednesday, May 11, 2011

#13 Eating less to get bigger

Ok, that's not the whole picture.  I am trying to get to under 20% body fat by September so that I can start body building.  Meaning eating more calories than my body needs to gain weight, hopefully 2 pounds of muscle for each pound of fat.  And then in December I start the burn process to try to lose 2 lbs of fat to each pound of muscle.  For hopefully a net gain of 7-10 pounds of muscle.

I want to do this at least once in my life to see what it does for me.  I am hoping to be Men's Health cover ready by next June....

I got the magazine issue today of MASS that has all the things i need to change from fat loss to muscle gain after I reach my % body fat goal.

Hopefully I will get way below 20% body fat by September, but we will see....

I am 40 after all.

Friday, May 6, 2011

#12 Drill baby drill...Stop the Stupidity

Oil is a globally traded commodity.  Meaning all of the production and demand globally determine the price point of a barrel of sweet crude.  If the US produced 1% more oil in 5-6 years, which they could, it COULD influence gas prices by 1%.

Except then OPEC would produce 1% less oil in order to maintain prices as is.  Domestic drilling to save money is a lie.  You CANNOT lower gas prices by drilling anywhere.  The only thing you can do is affect global supply and that is only if OPEC and other oil conglomerates allow you to change supply, which they would not.

GET OVER drill baby drill.  Oil prices and gas prices have NOTHING to do with where oil is obtained or produced.  It is ALWAYS sold on the global market even if it comes right out of your back yard, it is instantly NOT AMERICAN if you choose to sell it, which is all anyone does with it.

That being said drilling more would produce a few thousand more jobs while barely destroying too much of our environment, given that you believe destruction of the environment is ok so that billionaires can make more billions with no gain for any of us.

#11 Time to shock the body

Debbie and I are about to start a body shocking process, which contemporarily is referred to as the Dukan diet. But it is just a protein shock.  The purpose is to shut off your muscles access to carbs for energy and force them to burn fat by consuming nothing but protein to restore muscle.

This last 5-7 days, until phase 2 introduces vegetables.  And that phase lasts another week to introduce cheese, fruits, and starch back into the diet.

Finally you go back to your regular diet if you are where we are already or for others you go to a GOOD diet.

We will start Saturday or Monday; not sure yet.

#10 Why get a tattoo?

Each person will have to give their own answer for this, but for me...

1) I want to experience life and this is an aspect that many people enjoy but was foreign to me.
2) There are parts of me I want people to see without having to know me.  I want to wear my heart and soul on my sleeve.
3) I wanted to share the experience with my wife in honor of our anniversary.
4) To be able to say I had done it.

So you may ask...What do I think on the day after?

I want more.  I love it.  I want to write every important event of my life and personality on my body.  They say it is addicting and they are right.  I think it is beautiful and I want to do more.

So what else do I want?

I want a dragon holding a 20-sided die representing my LONG tryst with dungeons & Dragons, fantasy, and role-playing on my other arm.

I want the phrase, "We are a sad majesty," somewhere on my body.  It is my favorite line for one of Anne Rice's vampire novels.

Who knows if I will ever actually do it, but at least I have come this far.  Hooray!

Monday, May 2, 2011

#9 Osama Bin Laden Dead - Mission Accomplished

Yes the title was cynical and sarcastic.  The cynicism being represented by a dead guy we do not possess and cannot prove actually died.  Christians should have an easier time believing this actually occurred since they believe someone died for them on a regular basis with no proof.

The sarcasm is of course the well-remembered "Mission Accomplished" sign posted by G.W. Bush.  The news is already telling us we got the guy who "Masterminded the 9/11 attacks."  Which of course we also have ABSOLUTELY no proof of, though Osama did take credit a couple of hours after he heard about them.

History has been pre-written by our government and our media.  Even if the guy is actually dead.  Is terrorism over?  Bush left and we still have a capitalist warmonger in Obama.  Faces change.  Little else does.

P.S.  How much more/less believable would this have been in October before the election?

#8 Listening to the smartest people in the world

Ted Conferences

No, I do not believe I am one of those people.  Not even close.  But I really do enjoy listening to their speeches and people pay a LOT of money to go to these conferences.

You can also just search for TED or TED conference on and find many videos.  I love that these people are giving their time and effort to change the world.

This isn't a big blog, but I am hoping someone finds this useful and passes it on.

"I never let school interfere with my education" - Mark Twain



The links above posit a number of challenges to the modern education system and what I believe to be the greatest fundamental opportunity to resolve those challenges in our lifetime.  If you have kids you will likely get a great deal out of watching the second video.  If you, like myself, enjoy philosophical discussions of models and systems, the first video is magnificent, in its ability to quickly and succinctly define the challenges of the modern education system in a new technological era.

I believe the man in the second video will be one of the most famous and prominent men in the formation of the future of the world.  As silly as that may seem for now, Bill Gates believes this as well, and has put his money behind the Khan Academy project to prove just that.

By the way I am currently taking the Chemistry program.  Why?  Because I took honors chemistry in high school and did not apply myself then.  I though I might make up for that now.