Thursday, April 28, 2011

#4 A prayer for those lost to stormy weather

There is much to say when you start a new blog, but this blog entry will instead discuss the terrible storms hitting the country over the past two weeks an particularly in the past 24 hours.

Lives have been lost.  Homes and families have been shattered.  Prayer doesn't have to ask for something.  It doesn't need to to be to someone.  It can just be a moment of reflection for those in need and for all of us that need to ask that those affected can endure the pain and damage inflicted.

So this blog asks that if you are one of those people, you may find time to pray for the lives affected by these terrible storms and that we can all stay safe.

I for one intend to not be around if at ALL possible when storms like this arrive.  I will be getting my family in the car, given ANY forewarning, and driving far from any powerful storm striking near my home.  I will sleep at a rest stop or at a distant hotel, but I fully intend to keep my family COMPLETELY away from any affected area.

It sounds like a good time to pay a GREAT deal of attention to incoming storms and weather patterns.  IF I had a basement or a safe place to stay I would go, but in Texas we pretty much have no safe place to go, and it looks like we are not alone.

So this is a prayer for those already affected and for all of us to be attentive to these situations and stay safe in this worst storm season in our lifetime.

P.S. If you see something bad coming, please let your friends and family know as soon as possible.

1 comment:

  1. Well said. Such saddness and sorrows for those families affected by the storms and tornadoes, yet such relief that our family and loved ones have not been affected. It stops your heart to hear of a mile wide F5 tornado. A MILE WIDE! So frieghtening. I will join you in prayer for the continued safety of our family and loved ones and a prayer for the families affected by these storms.
