Monday, August 22, 2011

#16 Things to change or add to fitness and diet

I read it in a magazine then confirmed a lot of it here:

Apparently I should have 500-1000mg of garlic with my pre-workout shake.  Apparently Garlic makes the arginine produced nitric oxide last longer and has a lot of other benefits as well.

I had been eating cocoa after my workouts,  70%+ cocoa to be exact.  Apparently I should change this and put it in my morning chocolate whey shake.

I get my NO from supplements, but I like the idea of a couple of watermelon slices an hour before my workout as well.  I barely get up an hour before my workout, so I need to be on the ball.

I pretty much get all of these foods.  I need to be more consistent with my yogurt and berry intake however.  I need to read constantly to remind me of what I am supposed to be doing.

1 comment:

  1. That is a good article! We need more yogurt, berry, protein shakes in the Vitamix! And Lyanna cut some watermellon with rinds and all (just cut off the skin) we can throw in the smoothies too! :-)
