Friday, May 6, 2011

#10 Why get a tattoo?

Each person will have to give their own answer for this, but for me...

1) I want to experience life and this is an aspect that many people enjoy but was foreign to me.
2) There are parts of me I want people to see without having to know me.  I want to wear my heart and soul on my sleeve.
3) I wanted to share the experience with my wife in honor of our anniversary.
4) To be able to say I had done it.

So you may ask...What do I think on the day after?

I want more.  I love it.  I want to write every important event of my life and personality on my body.  They say it is addicting and they are right.  I think it is beautiful and I want to do more.

So what else do I want?

I want a dragon holding a 20-sided die representing my LONG tryst with dungeons & Dragons, fantasy, and role-playing on my other arm.

I want the phrase, "We are a sad majesty," somewhere on my body.  It is my favorite line for one of Anne Rice's vampire novels.

Who knows if I will ever actually do it, but at least I have come this far.  Hooray!

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy we chose to celebrate our anniversary in this non-traditional manner. It was great to share that moment in time with you. And I'm so happy our tattoos turned out so wonderfully!
    Happy Anniversary my love, forever in ink!
